Inner and outer worlds tumble into one another, as we grow and collapse in a world that often feels out of control. Through performance and costume, my most recent work aims to reflect on the intersections of the self and the material reality of capitalism. Us humans beings of the 21st Century, both utterly artificial and completely natural, find ourselves confusingly rejected from both capitalist society (unemployment, poverty, exploitation) and nature, as the climate becomes more hostile.
This project inhabits this space; gently trying to fit into it all, while internally screaming for a present that never came. ​ Moss’s primitive ancestors were some of the first plants to come onto land, millions of years ago. Their main structure hasn’t changed that much, remaining without roots or flowers. Their early success on the lands of ancient earth was a contributing factor to the first ice age, as their living processes changed the chemical composition of both the soil and atmosphere. Today, they provide a warm bed for life to thrive, competition and cooperation guiding their green tendrils to the acidic, shady corners of the forest, and the minuscule canyons along a busy pavement. A survivalist and a conqueror, and at the same time a nurturing and essential presence for life, both micro and macroscopic, both flaura and fauna.